
識 Check 月刊 Magazine

Everybody knows that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important. We usually consult western medical pracrtionerswhenwe get sick, and very few of these doctors or even patients believe in traditional Chinese medicine. In this issue, Wingki Introduces “Natural Medicine” and its historical role in medical practice.

      「自然醫學」 (Natural Medicine)也被稱為「自然療法」 (Naturopathy)或「傳統醫學 」 (Traditional Medicine),現時的確有不少人質疑它的可靠及認可性。「自然醫學」當然不似得西醫得到國際的規範認可,但經過幾千年的臨床實踐,再配合現代科研發展,現時國外已有不少大學及學院正統教授,以及醫學審委會認證。
      「自然醫學」是個很大範疇的醫學體系,當中包含很多不同療法及文化,香港中較為常見的有整全營養Holistic Nutrition、整骨療法Osteopathy、顱骶骨治療 Craniosacral Therapy、順勢療法 Homeopathy、草本療法 Herbalism等。
Natural Medicine is known as Naturopathy or Traditional Medicine. People sometimes question the results, and compare western medicines. Since naturopathy has been used for thousands ofyears,many of university and medical professors havestartedto combine naturopathy with modern medicine in order to develop international recognized standards.
Holistic Nutrition, Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy, Homeopathy and Herbalism are some of the naturopathy methods that are widely used in Hong Kong.

The concept of “Natural Medicine” are based on the following principles:
1. 無毒、無害、無副作用(Do No Harm)   
2. 確信自然界有自癒能力(Nature has Healing Powers)  
3. 鑑定病因 , 治療病因(Identify and Treat the Cause)  
4. 重視整全治療(Treat the Whole Person)  
5. 醫師是一個良師(The Physician as Teacher)
6. 預防是最佳的治療(Prevention is the Best Cure)   
7. 建立身、心、靈全面性的健康
(Establish Health and Wellness) 
Most people misunderstand “Natural Medicine”as natural food products or some health supplements. Keep watching to learn more about the different types of natural medicine and how they are used to improve our health.

